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Cut Blade Technology in Paddles

Mon, December 02, 2024 3:09 PM | Linda McCoy (Administrator)

Cut Blade Technology from Oscar Propulsion A river literally runs through it!

by Linda McCoy

  I hear you… a paddle with SLITS CUT IN IT?
How is that supposed to work?
Is it even LEGAL in races?
Won’t that make you SLOWER?

I thought the same thing…

How the heck does it work? There is definitely some science behind it. The slits reduce drag and turbulence by letting some of the water flow THROUGH the paddle face instead of around it like traditional paddles. The slits also minimize turbulence and the formation of vortices behind the blade. This results in a more stable flow of water. The controlled passage of water maintains a high-pressure difference between the front and back surfaces of the blade, which is crucial for driving force. 

The reduced drag lowers the physical strain on your body, especially the shoulders, elbows, and wrists. This helps avoid injuries related to overuse. The efficiency gained with each stroke allows for longer periods without tiring, so you can keep a high pace for a longer period of time. You are able to maintain a steady pace for a much longer length of time. 

The cuts in the blade help distribute force on the paddle more evenly, so there is less cavitation on the blade (aka blade flutter). This results is smoother, more controlled paddling. It also allows for quicker, more precise movements, which are very beneficial in a sprint or tech race!

Is it LEGAL? Yes! It is ICF approved! 

What about speed and endurance? I tested it in a sprint and on a 5k with NO decrease in my speed. I also used it to paddle in the ChattaJack for my fifth year and I was WAY less fatigued afterwards. My shoulders were not “on fire” like they usually are.

I’ve really enjoyed testing out the newest cut blade paddle technology from Oscar Propulsion. It has really made a difference in my endurance and maneuverability in my paddle stroke. At first it felt a bit odd to have less resistance from the paddle blade, but once I was accustomed to the movement of the blade, I am totally hooked! I use the Oscar Propulsion enhanced paddle as my daily training paddle. I highly recommend this technology!

How can you get one? Check out to read more about the technology and the retailers that are offering this technology. If you can’t find one, ask your favorite retailer to investigate it or contact


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